This past weekend our family went to Baltimore for my cousin's wedding. We went to the wedding and the reception and on the way out this happened to us.
The limosine driver was standing there in the parking lot next to the bride and groom's limo. It was a super stretch sedan. It was white with a black top and black wheels. It was pretty neat looking. He noticed that my kids were checking out the car as they walked by and he asked if they would like to take a peak inside.
Well, yeah!!! So they walk over and he opens the back door for them to see and suggests they get in and sit down. So the peeps do and they are in awe with the size and the fact that it had a tv in it AND a bar AND a big long seat AND neon lights AND a stereo in it. The driver goes around to the other side of the car and opens the other door and pokes his head in and says,
"you know, I have driven around a lot of famous people in this car."
The kids say, "really??? like who???"
He says, "well, I can't tell you any names of them because we aren't allowed to but I will tell you the initials of one rock star you might know. Do you know who HM is?"
Well, the Ladybug about flips out of the seat and yells, "HANNAH MONTANA!!!!"
And that made her birthday, which was the very day that she got to sit in the same limosine that Hannah Montana sat in!!!

The Pickle, the Bean and the Ladybug in "Hannah Montana's Limo"