Now it is time to stop and smell the roses. Literally!
Day 5 was spent at Epcot. As we were leaving our hotel the doorman asked us where we were going today and we told him Epcot. He then proceeded to tell us his favorite things to do at Epcot. I am so so so glad we stayed and listened to him. The weather was a bit chilly today but we were going with a few goals. One, we wanted to do the Kim Possible Missions. They are so fun and cool. As my middle daughter said, "where can you go in Germany and see a girl running out of a window beating the bad guy with a broom??" When you go to Epcot you have to know that you are looking for the Kim Possible missions because otherwise you will miss it. We signed up and had a bit of time before our mission started. On the way to the bathroom we found these guys:

And we found Pocahontas.
And we found Duffy!

That was goal number 2. Find and buy Duffy the bear. Ladybug wanted him from the start and we made her wait a few days before buying him because we wanted to make sure that he was what she REALLY wanted and not what she wanted at that time. She REALLY wanted him and so she got him today (and her picture with him too as a bonus)
Goal #3 was to go through the back entrance (or exit) of Epcot and take a boat to check out the Boardwalk Hotel/Resort. It is beautiful.

We saw their big gingerbread display and really enjoyed the other Christmas decorations there too. They even have a miniature carousel that spins and plays music. Very neat.
We returned to Epcot and it was pretty crowded that day so we didn't really ride any rides, well maybe one, Test Track. But we enjoyed the scenery, the decorations, and oh, we also rode the Donald Duck ride in Mexico. That is a MUST for our family. It was nice to not have to rush from place to place or worry if we were going to stand in any line for a long time. This comes from being here for the past 4 years. We have pretty much done everything so we can now "stop and smell the roses". Which we did in the rose garden that is never ever crowded at Epcot.
We still had some time before dinner so we went over to the
Inoventions buildings and checked out two great exhibits that the doorman suggested. They were both interactive and the kids loved it. The first one they were able to record themselves doing certain things like a jump, a victory cheer, running in place, and ducking (I think), then they were able to play a video game with their own self as the little man in the game. It was neat, and they could email the game home so they could play there too. Pretty cool. The next was the "make your own roller coaster and then ride it" simulation. Literally, that is what it was. The kids made their own roller coaster and then got into a simulator attached to an arm and they could ride their own game. I did not do that but they said it was really cool! Thanks, Mr. Doorman for some great suggestions!
Okay, now it is time for dinner and we have to rush a bit to cross the entire park to get there (boy my feet hurt on these trips). It was in Italy at the restaurant there and it was
sooooo good. The kids loved it and the setting was perfect. It was our favorite dinner of the trip.
Here are the kids in front of the fountain in Italy.

When we finished dinner we
mosied on back out to the
busses, enjoying the fireworks on the way and of course, pin trading with everyone we saw.
Day 6: Magic Kingdom
Now that it is the week before Christmas the crowds are here. We are so glad that we come for a few days prior to the big crowds so we can get in what rides we want without waiting 110 minutes to ride a ride.
Today we decided we wanted to ride a few rides again and made it our mission to get them in. We ate our favorite breakfast here on Main Street and while we were eating Dad went and got us Fast Passes to Big Thunder Mountain, our favorite roller coaster (besides
Goofys Barnstormer, and Expedition Everest, and the Dino Roller Coaster in
Dinoland (AK) and .... ha ha). We rode the train and got off at
Toontown and walked the back way to
Tomorrowland. Along the way we stopped (taking our time and enjoying not standing in line anywhere) and examined the Spanish Moss hanging from the trees and a bunch that had fallen to the ground. We talked about how it grew and that it had no roots and didn't need too much water either.

We rode on the People Mover in
Tomorrowland and then watched the
Carousel of Progress. I love that show. We had our picture taken with Buzz Lightyear but the cameraman made our copy blurry. Then we ate dinner out with our cousins.
Oh, and this morning we bought these cups with hot chocolate in them for $5 each (we thought a good deal) and the cast member at the food court in the hotel told the kids they could use them to fill up for free on drinks too! They thought that was awesome!

Yes, our cousins (two families and Dad's aunt and uncle) were also down here at the same exact time we were. They had other things on their schedules so we couldn't meet up in the parks like we had thought we might be able to do but it was so much fun having dinner with them at a really yummy pizza place just outside Disney property (shh, don't tell Mickey we didn't eat with him that night). When we got back we still had Fast Passes for Space Mountain and Ladybug didn't want to go so I stayed at the hotel with her while the Pickle and Bean went back to MK for some late night riding. They had a blast and rode many rides without waiting in any lines. They didn't get home until almost 2 am!