how DOES your garden grow??? Ours is growing great minus the few bugs we have had eating up our plant leaves. We have had a REAL spring this year and not that weather that goes from cold to hot and humid in 2.7 seconds flat. Usually by now we are in 90's weather and it is hot hot hot. I hate that. This year though we have had a really nice two months of 60s and 70s degree weather giving our vegetables a nice growing season. I have cabbage growing, lettuces, radishes, carrots, tomatoes, squashes, herbs, cucumbers, corn, and watermelon, cantalope, and peppers all in my garden right now. Oh and I forgot onions, broccoli, and cauliflower. Yes that it a lot.
Here are a few photos of our garden about a month ago.

Tomorrow I will show you what they look like now. They are growing so well. We are using raised beds this year and it is located on the side of our house. It is the part of our yard with the best sunlight.