Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another week gone

We had a yard sale yesterday which means we stayed home this weekend. I thought that it would be a great time to do some long neglected things around the house but nothing got done. Not even laundry. I now have a pile that is larger than when we get home from the river on Sundays in front of the washer. Oh well.

This week will be a crazy one. Sometimes work and school get in the way of doing so much. One more reason to homeschool. If only we could manage our finances on one salary.

We began taking Dave Ramsey's course Financial Peace University tonight amongst all else we have going on. I enjoyed the first class. We thought we would take it because while we don't have that much debt and we have only one credit card and that balance is less than $1000 (way less) we felt like we needed some perspective on saving and planning for our future.

With this course the issue of the new trailer comes into play. What would Dave Do? Well, Dave would probably say no way. But we are going to go forward with that purchase anyway. We figure it is a done deal, even though we haven't signed on it yet, we still are going to do through with it and get the new trailer and then use Dave's strategies to pay it off quickly. Truly our new trailer is our second home, like people buy beach houses and river houses. This is our river home and we need something bigger than 8 ft wide to house us all a bit more comfortably. However, we were talking tonight (my husband and I) and we already feel the difference in mindset coming on, which is a good thing for us. Tonight I sat next to a lady who has filed for bankruptcy TWICE in her life. WOW!! We are no where near that nor even desperate, or behind in any payments.

I have been talking to others about the trip and so many ideas are swimming in my head about where to go and what to see. I need to start writing it all down.

There is a PBS special coming up about the National Parks System. I can't wait for it to come on. I think it comes on in a week or so. Check your local listings for it.


  1. I think you might be surprised at what Dave might tell ya. We took his course also. (Twice in fact! lol) Let's just say we needed the refresher. LOL

    It is amazing how your whole thought process on Money changes though. It's an awesome course study. I think you will really enjoy it. Have fun!

  2. We loved the Dave Ramsey classes. We've been on the plan since last October and don't think we'll ever go without a budget again. Sometimes you have to stray from the program and do what you need to do - like getting the RV.
